Friday, December 1, 2006

Wives' Tales

There is an old wives' tale that is only said to be effective during the dreams that you have while you sleep the evening of November 30th (the eve of a National Romanian holiday for their country - like our 4th of July.) This tale says that if you eat a piece of bread with salt right before going to bed, and then dream that a man brings you a cup of water then that man in your dream will be your husband.

Whenever you get the hiccups here, that means somebody is thinking about you. If you can think of the person is who is thinking about you, your hiccups will stop.

Whenever the clock has a double time and you happen to see it (like 22:22 or 11:11) that means someone wants you.

1 comment:

Julie Handel said...

you must have the hiccups a lot cause we're thinking about you bunches :)